The Arturo Fuente Destino Al Siglo is one of the most famous cigars this iconic company produces. Arturo Fuente cigars have been a family tradition since 1912. Today, the company is in its third generation, The Fuente family has perfected the art of cigar making. Without a doubt, they are consistently rated among the best cigars in the world. Their reputation for unsurpassed quality, with both flavor and construction, has amassed a loyal following among cigar connoisseurs the world over.
To begin, the Fuente Destino Al Siglo was blended to commemorate the company’s 100 year anniversary. This line of cigars uses a Habano seed rather than the Corojo seed variety used to make the Fuente Fuente Opus X. This will be great for those who prefer a medium to full-flavored smoke.
To sum up, this cigar is very, very rare. If you consider yourself a connoisseur and you haven’t tried them, you’re not alone. Keep you eyes out for these amazing smokes. Get some Fuente Destino Al Siglo when we have them!
Want to learn more about Arturo Fuente Cigars? Visit their website HERE.
Want to see more Arturo Fuente cigars available on The Cigar Thief? Click HERE.
richie –
For starters, the Arturo Fuente Destino Al Siglo is a very special and extremely complex cigar. After you light up, the start is mild, smooth, creamy which begins your journey of enjoying this huge flavor bomb of a smoke. As you proceed, the strength and intensity increase proportionally with pronounced notes of black coffee, cedarwood, cocoa powder, dried fruits, vanilla beans and just enough spices. I recommend you really take your time in between puffs with this cigar to get all of what it offers. Get them while we have them. They wont be around for long.
Wrapper: Dominican Republic
Binder: undisclosed
Filler: undisclosed