Camacho Connecticut Box Press is the first box-pressed Connecticut in the Davidoff portfolio. To begin with, Camacho Cigars was founded in 1962 by Simon Camacho. It was then acquired by the Eiroa family in 1995. In 2008, Camacho became part of the iconic Davidoff Company. With attention to detail, Camacho cigars are still made in Honduras. Camacho is an old tried and true brand. It was a staple in most every cigar store. The odd thing was that only savvy smokers knew just how good the cigar actually was. Davidoff spent a ton of money to repackage and relaunch the brand. Their efforts worked! Thousands of new smokers discovered what a great cigar Camacho is.
While these cigars share the same wrapper, binder, and filler as their rounded counterparts, the one big difference is the incorporation of Pennsylvania Broadleaf in the filler. So not only do you get all the flavor and taste of the original, the extra zing and richness from the broadleaf adds to the overall enjoyment. The bonus is how the box pressing enhances the draw amplifying the experience. No doubt it’s a little bolder than your traditional Connecticut.
To sum up, Camacho Connecticut Box Pressed is available in three popular sizes of 20 count boxes as well as five packs. If you’re a fan of Camacho cigars, this one is a must try.
Want to learn more about Camacho Cigars, click HERE
Want to see more Camacho Cigars available on The Cigar Thief, click HERE
richie –
Camacho is an old tried and true brand. It was a staple in most every cigar store. The odd thing was that only savvy smokers knew just how good the cigar actually was. Davidoff purchased the company some years back and spent a ton of money to repackage and relaunch the brand. Their efforts worked! Thousands of new smokers discovered what a great cigar Camacho is. The 90 rated, Original Connecticut is a mild but extremely tasty blend. I’m a fan of box pressed cigars. I feel they enhance the draw. This sister cigar is another choice for you to enjoy!