Crowned Heads Juarez is a value-conscious alternative to the company’s popular Jericho Hill brand. To begin with, Nashville based Crowned Heads is headed up by four former CAO executives. After leaving CAO in 2010 they began producing unique cigars known for their Cuban-inspired packaging and blending. Today, the company remains committed to producing cigars of exceptional quality, flavor, and balance.
With attention to detail, Juarez is a full-bodied cigar with a San Andres Mexican wrapper and tobaccos from Ecuador, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. To call this robust cigar a flavor bomb is an understatement. Noted reviewer KATMAN rates it a 91. His summary confirms this for sure. ” There is a new caramel or butterscotch flavor. It gives the creaminess a leg up. And now a strong peanut element appears. With the fruitiness and baked bread flavors, it is like smoking a PB&J.”
Cigar Authority ups the score to 94 exclaiming…”It’s incredibly rich and flavorful and a definite must have.” And then there’s Cigar Coop scoring a respectable 90. Their summary is perfectly said. “It definitely provided a smoother smoke than your typical San Andres offering, and brought a nice balance of sweetness and spice to the forefront.” Juarez is a must try for sure!
To Sum up, Crowned Heads Juarez is available in five popular sizes of 20 to 50 count boxes. You can also grab a five pack to try them out.
See all the Crowned Heads Cigars available at The Cigar Thief HERE
Learn more about the Crowned Heads Cigar Company HERE
richie –
I recently smoked one of these jewels from Crowned Heads. Considering the price and the amazing company that produces it, you have to try it. For me, its overall character is in the medium to full bodied range yielding a bunch of flavor notes in small doses. A bit of sweet spice along with traces of buttered toast and espresso come to mind and I’m sure you’ll discover some of your own. Grab a five pack and you’ll thanks me.