The Tabernacle Broadleaf is a special line of cigars from the people over at Foundation Cigars. This original blend is bold, dark, and strong. It has a cult following in the cigar community partly because of its creator, Nick Melillo. Nick is the master blender over at Foundation and has worked for some other big name brands in the industry helping them create some iconic blends. So when he went out on his own and started producing cigars like the Tabernacle, of course there was excitement. The cigar was a huge hit and helped pave the way to Foundation’s success as a company today. For good reason too!
The Tabernacle Broadleaf comes wrapped in a oily and bold Connecticut broadleaf wrapper. This cigar blend is rich and nuanced but also approachable for a full bodied smoke. You will notice notes of dark chocolate, leather, and earth come through strong here. Connecticut Broadleaf is some of the finest and rarest wrapper leaf in the cigar world. It is difficult to produce but is always worth the effort! The flavor of the wrapper mixes perfectly with the Mexican San Andres binder to create cigar harmony. This one is too good to ignore!
If you have never tried a Tabernacle Broadleaf before, then this is going to surprise and satisfy you. Nick really knows what he is doing when he blends a cigar and this one is a real home run. If you like complex flavors with real nuances, then look no further. Grab a box of these smokes today and see why people follow Foundation’s every move.
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Mexican San Andres
Filler: Nicaraguan and Honduran
Size – Multiple Varieties Available
Are you in the market for more cigars like the Foundation Tabernacle Broadleaf? Then click right HERE.
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The toothy, dark Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper sets the stage for this potent Tabernacle edition. While flavor notes of hardwoods, roasted nuts and touches of black licorice come and go, this cigar is a powerhouse to the finish. Buckle Up!
Filler: Honduras, Nicaragua
Binder: Mexico
Wrapper: U.S.A./Conn. Broadleaf