The Graycliff Silver 300 Year Anniversary is a celebratory cigar that embodies a rich history and a fusion of global tobacco excellence. Crafted under the guidance of a maestro formerly associated with the prestigious Cohiba factory in Cuba, this special edition cigar offers aficionados a taste reminiscent of the most sought-after Cuban cigars. Featuring a unique blend of binders and fillers from four countries—Costa Rica, Honduras, the Philippines, and Nicaragua—the Graycliff Silver provides a complex flavor profile that is both nuanced and robust. Wrapped in a dark, oily Ecuadorian Habano leaf, the appearance of this cigar is as enticing as its taste, often compared to the look of a Hershey bar.
This medium-bodied cigar transitions smoothly into a medium-full strength towards the end, offering a palate-pleasing journey with tastes of coffee at the outset, transitioning to cedar and a subtle floral note, before settling into a wood and spice finish in the last third. It is hand-rolled in Nassau, Bahamas, with tobaccos that have been aged for at least five years, ensuring that each puff delivers a refined experience.
Available in both pyramid and toro sizes, the Graycliff Silver 300 Year Anniversary edition is a limited release, making it a valuable addition to any cigar collection. Priced at a premium, reflecting its exclusive blend and the meticulous aging process, it represents an excellent value for cigar enthusiasts seeking a high-quality, memorable smoke.
This special edition celebrates the craftsmanship and heritage of Graycliff, a brand synonymous with luxury and quality in the world of cigars. Whether enjoyed alone as a treat or shared among friends on special occasions, the Graycliff Silver 300 Year Anniversary is more than just a cigar—it’s an experience that marks a milestone in cigar-making history
richie –
The Silver series is made from the vintage leaves from four countries. After the cigars are produced they’re aged five year before being released for sale. This is an extremely smooth medium bodied cigar with balanced notes of cedarwood, tempered spices and sweet tobacco flavors. The box is a keeper!