Montecristo Epic Vintage 12 is one of the very special cigars by this iconic company. To begin with, when this iconic Cuban brand was launched in 1935, the world of Premium Cigars changed forever. Altadis acquired the Montecristo name for outside of Cuba in 1990 and began producing many sizes and styles available to all of us. Over the years, this brand’s portfolio continues to grow adding blends appealing to every smoker. Expensive? Yes. Worth the price? Absolutely. Quality, consistency, draw and taste complexity remain perfect to this day.
With attention to detail, the fine tobaccos of this exclusive cigar represent the best of the best. Coming from a rare blend of reserved Dominican and Nicaraguan leaves collected during an exceptional harvest in 2012, this is a cigar experience worth capturing. Together with being masterfully blended by the illustrious expertise of the Grupo de Maestros, this Vintage gives rise to a high density of flavors and extraordinary complexity.
Take the case of Blind Man’s Puff giving this beauty a very respectable 93 rating. They describe it perfectly. “This cigar is a great addition to Montecristo’s Epic line. Maybe the best yet. The flavors are harmonious and leave me wanting more and more. I really enjoy the caramel sweetness combined with the on and off oak flavor. The burn and draw are perfect the whole time just adding to the great experience.”
Without a doubt, if you consider yourself a seasoned smoker and have never tried this masterfully crafted cigar, now’s your chance!
richie –
This Blue Labeled Montecristo Epic won’t be around for long. They are not a limited edition cigar but due to the small quantity of the the vintage leaves they’re made with, not many have been
produced. This is a super smooth medium bodied, very complex cigar that’s worth getting and keeping. Try a five pack for starters while we have them.