For starters, many smokers know the Oliva Nub Maduro on sight! What’s equally important is Oliva traces its roots back to Cuba in the 1880’s. In 1995, Family descendants formally founded the Oliva Cigar Company. Since then, Oliva has grown into a premium cigar powerhouse producing over 15 million cigars a year. Today, Oliva offers a vast array of highly rated cigars spanning all price points and blends.
Oliva launched the Nub series back in 2013. By comparison to many other cigars, their short and stubby appearance was unique. Over the years these great cigars have continuously grown in popularity including the dark Brazilian wrapped Oliva Nub Maduro edition . After a surprising short burst of spice upon lighting up, this stick quickly evolves into a medium to full bodied thoroughly enjoyable smoke. The overall characteristics of Oliva Nub Maduro cigars change as you increase in ring size. Oddly enough, its strength and intensity seems tempered with coolness as you move it along.
So if you’re a fan of short, chubby and flavorful cigars and have never tried an Oliva Nub , what are you waiting for? Pick up a box today on Cigar Thief.
Want to learn more about Oliva Cigars? Check out their website HERE
Looking for more Oliva products from Cigar Thief? Click HERE
Rich Cucharo –
When the pure Nicaraguan contents of this edition are encased in a very dark, oily Brazilian maduro wrapper it seems as thought the needle on the taste meter moves to the higher end of the scale. Starting off in medium bodied range, this stick quickly elevates in strength and intensity as you move along. Oddly enough, its strength is is tempered with coolness….but strong it definitely is.