Opus X Oscuro is one of the most famous cigar this iconic company produces. Arturo Fuente cigars have been a family tradition since 1912. Today, the company is in its third generation, The Fuente family has perfected the art of cigar making. Without a doubt, they are consistently rated among the best cigars in the world. Their reputation for unsurpassed quality, with both flavor and construction, has amassed a loyal following among cigar connoisseurs the world over.
To begin with, in the early 1990’s, Carlos “Carlito” Fuente Jr. planted 37 acres of Cuban seeds in the Dominican Republic. At this time nobody thought it was possible to grow quality Dominican wrapper. Fuente’s efforts, intuition and creativity paid off. These wrappers became the basis for one of the most coveted brands in the world of premium cigars. This was the beginning of the Opus X line.
Opus X Oscuro is a limited premium cigar that boasts of rich and complex flavors. It is a masterpiece in the world of cigar making and is highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts. The wrapper of the Opus X Oscuro is dark and buttery, giving it an elegant appearance. Upon lighting, the cigar releases a robust and full-bodied smoke that is accompanied by notes of spice, leather, and cocoa. The construction of the cigar is impeccable, ensuring a smooth draw and even burn throughout the smoking experience. The Opus X Oscuro is a truly exceptional cigar that is perfect for those who seek a bold and flavorful smoking experience.
Want to learn more about Arturo Fuente Cigars? Visit their website HERE.
Want to see more Opus X cigars available on The Cigar Thief? Click HERE.
richie –
I’ve often said that every OPUS is a great cigar and the Opus X Oxo Oro Oscuro is no exception. While we know its a Dominican purebred, the specific leaf characteristics remain a mystery. Overall, this perfectly made vitola is medium to full bodied with with a great array of flavor notes including but not limited to berries, chocolate with touches of pepper and spices. As with all OPUS styles, they’re out of stock more than they’re in and we’re sorry about that. Stay in touch with us to know when they return. And when they do, DON’T HESITATE.