Quorum Maduro is just one of the amazing cigars brought to us by this renowned company. Founded in 1895, J C Newman is America’s oldest premium cigar company producing names like Diamond Crown , Brick House and Perla Del Mar. Whats more important is the company is the exclusive arm of distributing Arturo Fuente throughout the United States. With this is mind, you know everything with their name on it is top quality. What’s more important is that J C Newman remains in the hands of the family’s fourth generation.
A point often overlooked is in just a few short years, Quorum Nicaraguan Handmades have become the No. 1 selling imported handmade bundle cigar in the world. J.C. Newman’s dedication to quality is evident in these smooth, medium-bodied cigars available at a price accessible to even the most discriminating of wallets.
To begin with, Quorum Maduro is the medium to slightly full bodied dark and oily wrapped edition of the massively successful Quorum brand. As opposed to 100% long filler tobaccos, these cigars are made using the “Cuban Sandwich Method” using short and mixed (short and long filler) tobaccos in the blend. Without a doubt, this process makes these cigars very affordable to everyone.
These expertly made cigars are available in five popular sizes. Any one will give you a lot of bang for your buck for sure!
Want to learn more about the great J.C. Newman cigar company? Visit their website HERE
Want to see more J.C. Newman cigars on Cigar Thief? Click HERE
Rich Cucharo –
You know you’ve seen Quorums everywhere. What you may not know is that the Quorum Brand is the world’s best selling cigar! Brought to us by JC Newman, makers of Julius Caesar and Diamond Crown, the fact that all three styles have received a 92 rating while maintaining a value price point is more than enough to get your worthwhile attention.
The Maduro style’s oily dark Sumatran Sungrown wrapper combined with a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper yield a medium to slightly full flavored treat.